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M1 released
this is the first release under the new project name / structure

Long awaited, this release marks the end of the transition from the old '' to the new '' with all the implications: new website and infrastructure, reworked and much enhanced source code structure, and quite a lot more. Read the M1 Release Notes or get it from our releases page.

—Stefan Seefeld

New Issue tracker
a major new piece of project infrastructure

Fresco now has its own issue tracker. It is used to track bugs, as well as tasks, and milestones. The tool will be further enhanced as we learn how to make good use of it, but it's already doing a terriffic job. Have a look at !

—Stefan Seefeld

Console changes, SDL support
You wanted hardware acceleration, you say?

Nicholas did some work on hardware accelerated OpenGL on SDL a while back. To allow for that Stefan had to change the Console layer yet again (breaking every console but GGI). This time you can add Extensions, this time the API should be flexible enough to stay around for a while.

I just committed a SDLConsole using the new API. You can run the LibArtDrawingKit or the GLDrawingKit on top of that. It uses the same hardware acceleration as other SDL applications!

It really rocks running Berlin on SDL/GL on my GeForce! Check out the sources from CVS and try for yourself.

—Tobias Hunger

printing support is coming
rendering to postscript

Nicholas sent us a patch that enables the PSDrawingKit to actually do something. The result can be seen at The February 5, 2002 Screenshot. Of course, there are still a lot of tricky issues ahead, but being able to demonstrate how to get a printout just be traversing the scene with a PS renderer is such a nice thing :-)

—Stefan Seefeld

Related links
Mailing lists
Bug tracking

F r e s c o (c) 2002, webdesign: Alexander Johannesen
Report problems to webmaster